Medications &
Supplements To Avoid Before & After Surgery
It is suggest
that you do not ingest
any brand of aspirin, or any of the following aspirin containing, MAO
inhibiting and seratonin drugs for 14 days prior to surgery and 14 days
after surgery. Aspirin and aspirin containing products may inhibit blood
clotting and cause difficulties during and after surgery. If you need an
aspirin-free fever reducer and pain reliever, take Tylenol. Also, if you
smoke, you shouldn't smoke at least 2 weeks prior and at least
2 weeks after your surgery date. Smoking significantly reduces your
body's superficial circulation and vascularity. This means difficulty in
bringing much needed oxygen to your tissues for proper healing.
Some surgeons and
anesthesiologists may make exceptions for any of the below medications
just be sure to disclose EVERY medication to your surgeon/anesthesiologist
- and do not go against his or her instructions if you are told to cease
taking said any medication.
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Advil, Alka Seltzer, All Arthritis Medicines, Allergy
Relief Medicines (A.R.M.), Alpha Omega (fish oil), Aluprin, Aleve,
Amigesic Capsules, Anacin, Ansaid Tablets, Anodynos Tablets, Aspirin
Suppositories, Analval, Anaprox, Anaprox-DS, Anaproxn, Anaproxen Anodynos,
Ansaid, APAC Improved, APC, Argesic Tablets, Arthra-G, Arthralgen Tablets,
Arthritis Pain Formula, Arthritis Strength Bufferin, Arthropan, Arthropan
Liquid, Ascodeen, Ascriptin, Ascriptin AID tablets, Ascriptin with
Codeine Tablets, ALL ASCRIPTIN PRODUCTS, Asperbuf, Aspercin,
Aspergum, Aspirin (of any kind), Aspirin Suppositories, Aspirin
with Codeine, ASpirTab, Asprimox Tablets, Asproject, A.S.A.
Tablets, A.S.A. Enseals, Axotal, Azdone Tablets
B-A-C Tablets, Bayer Aspirin, Bayer Children's Aspirin Tablets,
Bayer Children's Cold Tablets, Bayer Timed-Release Aspirin Tablets,
Bayer Select Pain Formula, BC Powder/Tablets, Bilberry Tablets, Brufen,
Buf Tab, Buff-A-Comp, Buff-A Comp No.3 Tablets with codeine,
Buffaprin, Buffasal, Bufferin, Butalbit, Buffets II, Buffex,
Buffinol, Butazolidin
C-Advil Cama Arthritis Pain
Reliever, Cama Inlay Tabs, CataFlam Tablets, Carisoprodol Compoud
Tablets, Cayenne, Cephalgesic, Cheracol Tablets, Children's Advil
Suspension, Children's Aspirin, Children's Motrin Suspension, Clinoril,
Congespirin, Contac, Cope, Coricidin Tablets, Coricidin "D"
Decongestant Tablets, Coricidin, Coricidin Demilets Tablets for
Children, Coricidin Mediets Tablets for Children, Coumadin
Damason-P, Darvon, Darvon with
ASA, Darvon Compound, Darvon Compound-65, Darvon w/Apspirin,
Darvon-N with Apsirin, Dasin, Dipryridamole, Disalcid, Diurex, Doan's,
Dolcn, Dolobid, Dolphirn #3 Tablets, Drinopehn, Dristan, Dristan Sinus,
Duoprin-S Syrup, Duradyne Tablets
Easprin, Echinacea, Ecolrin,
Ecotrin Tablets, Emagrin, Empirin, Empirin with Codeine, Emprazil,
Endodan Tablets, Epromate Tablets, Equagesic, Equazine-M, Excedrin,
Feldene, Fenoprofen Tablets, Fiogesic Tablets, Fiorinal, Fiorinal with
Codeine, Florgen PF, Fluriprofen Tablets, 4 Way Cold Tablets
garlic (not eat garlic,
excessively), Gelpirin Tablets, Genprin, Gensan, Ghemnisym, Ginger,
Gingko, Ginkobiloba, Goody's Headache Powder, Goody-s Extra Strength
Haltran, Heparin, Halfprin Tablets
IBU, IBU-Tab, Ibuprofen, Ibuprin,
Ibuprohm, Indocin, Indochron E-R Capsules , Indomethacin Caspules
Indomethacin Suspension, Infantol Pill, Isollyl Improved Tablets &
J none
Ketoprofen Capsules
Lanorinal, Licorice Root, Lodine, Lortab ASA
Magan, Magnaprin, Magnasprin, Magsal, Marnal, Marthritic Tablets,
Maximum Bayer Aspirin, Measurin, Meclomen, MecloFenamate Capsules,
Medigistic-Plus, Medipren, Meditren, Melatonin, Menadol, Meprogesic Q,
Micraninin, Midol/Midol 200, Midol Original, Midol PMS, Mobidin,
Moblgesic, Momentum Back Ache Formula, Monogesic, Motrin, Motrin IB,
Nalfon, Naprosyn, Neogesic, Norgesic, Norgesic Forte, Norwich Extra
Strength Aspirin, Nuprin, NyQuil/NyQuil P.M.
Orphenagesic, Orphenagesic Forte, Orudis, Oruvail Capsules, Oxycodine
& Aspirin
P-A-C, Pabalate-SF, Pabrin,
Pacaps, Pain Reliever Tablets, Pamprin-IB, Panalgesic, Panodynes,
Papaya, PediaProfen, Pedrazil, Percodan, Percodan Demi Tabs, Persantin,
Persisrin, Persistin, PetoBismol, Phenaphen, Phenetron Compound,
Presalin, Propoxyphene Compound. Propoxyphene Napsylate with Aspirin,
Piroxicam Capsules, Ponstel Capsules
Quagesic, Quiet World Analgesic
(sleeping aid)
Relafen Tablets, Rexolate, Rhinex, Robaxin, Robasisal, Roxiprin Tablets,
Rufin, Robaxisal
S-A-C, Salabuff, Salatin. Saleto, Saleto
200, Saleto-400,600,800 Tablets, Salflex, Salicylamide, Salocol,
Salsalate, Salsitab, Serzone, Sign Off Sinus Tablets, Sine Aid, Sine
Off, SK-65 Compound Capsules, Soma Compound, Soma Compound with Codeine,
St. Johns Wort, St. Josephs Aspirin, St. Joseph Cold Tablets (for
children), Stanback Analgesic, Stanback Powder, Sudafed, Sulindac
Tablets, Supac, Synalogos Capsules, Synalgos-DC Capsules
Talwin Compound, Tenol-Plus,
Tolectin 200,600 Tablets, Tolectin DS Capsules, Tolmetin
Tablets/Capsules, Toradol Injection/Tablets, Tr-Pain Tablets, Trilisate
Tablets and Liquid, Trendar, Trental, Triaminicin Tablets, Tricosal
tablets, Tri-Pain, Trigesic, Trilisate, Tusal
Ultrapin, Unipro, Ursinos Inlay
Valesin, Vanquish, Verin,
Viro-Med Tablets, Vitamin E, Voltaren
Warafin (Coumadin), Wesprin
none available
Zactrin, Zorprin
Plus any other aspirin containing
medication, be it natural, prescription or over the counter. Alert your
doctor of any medications or supplements you may be taking. Even natural
supplements have their risks. Read below...
Medication Alerts!
If you are on
Anti-depressants, please advise your doctor. Some monoamine oxidase (MAO)
inhibitors (also known as MAOI) intensify the effects of the
anesthesia - especially General. This could be quite dangerous in the
operating room if your doctor is unaware of your medication usage. If
you advise your doctor he or she can make adjustments for your
anesthesia or at least will watch for the slightest decrease in
heart or breathing rate.
These medications may
include: Isocarboxazid, Marplan, phenelzine (Nardil, Nardelzine)
tranylcypromine (Parnate, Sicoton), Deprenyl, selegiline hydrochloride,
They are used for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, eating disorders, essential hypertension (pargyline), chronic
pain syndromes, and migraine headaches. They work by inhibiting nerve
transmissions in brain that may cause depression. Tranylcypromine and
phenelzine account for over 90% of all MAO inhibitors currently
It is reported that drug
interactions can occur even weeks after discontinued use of an MAOI.
Therefore, in patients undergoing General anesthesia, cessation of usage
is normally instructed several weeks prior to surgery to avoid possible
cardiovascular effects.
Diet Pills, Fat Loss
Supplements & Stackers: Please, Please, Please! stop taking
these pills at least 2 weeks before surgery. Many of these pills
contain anticoagulants and can seriously impede your bodies ability to
clot sufficiently resulting in hemorrhaging.
"Anesthetic Requirements: Anesthetic requirements are
increased, reflecting accumulation of norepinephrine in the CNS." Ref:
Stoelting, R.K, Pharmacology & Physiology in Anesthetic Practice,
pp. 378-381.

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