Financing Your Revision Rhinoplasty

 Although the costs of any surgery varies significantly between surgeons, medical facilities, and regions of the country; financing companies enable us to afford revisionary procedures by providing the needed funds n-o-w.   

Just remember, don't ever take out a loan of any kind if you do not plan on paying it back. Other than your credit bring in absolute shambles afterwards, it is very foolish to do so. Committing to having a plastic surgery procedure requires responsibility and a level head.  From choosing your surgeon to fulfilling your financial obligation to your last post-operative appointment - all aspects of this are important.

Surgery charges can usually be separated into five parts: 

  1. the surgeon's fee

  2. the anesthesiologist's fee (if applicable)

  3. the hospital charges, which includes nursing care and the operating room

  4. the medications (oral and topical antibiotics, pain alleviation, dressings)

  5. and any additional charges

Take all this into account when applying for your loan. From your surgical fee to your medications and post-operative care dressings, calculate these expenses beforehand.

There are many companies out there who will offer financing for your procedure although not many are plastic-surgery or aesthetic-improvement-specific. I recommend companies that do deal in aesthetic betterment-only financing as they are more aware of the time you need to recover and seem to have more empathy for the patient and not only their pocket book. Just be sure to read the fine print in regards to what you receive, Annual Percentage Rates (APR), make sure there is no prepayment penalties, etc. before signing with a finance company.

Elite Makeover Centers Guarantees Financing!

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(Updated on 03/05/10)
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